Arts and culture


Selected lighting design projects



New Macau Central Library


Client: The Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau SAR Government

Architect: Mecanoo International B.V. / Leigh & Orange

Project stage: In design

客户 : 澳门特别行政区政府文化局

建筑师 : Mecanoo International B.V. / Leigh & Orange

工程进度 : 设计中

The new Macau Central Library is situated by the Tap Seac Square in the historical centre of Macau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is located on the site of the former Hotel Estoril. 

The architectural design creates a journey through the library, with lighting guiding users upwards and allowing them to experience different spatial areas. The library features an open façade, enabling visitors to enjoy the spectacular view of Tap Seac Square. 

The façade pattern serves as an extension of the bookshelves. From the inside out, the skin wraps the library volume and opens up like a book page to the main entrance facing the Tap Seac Square. This welcoming gesture is an essential part of the relationship between the library and the square. The pattern also allows a play of light and shadow inside the library, providing a subtle dynamic change of scene throughout the day. The façade lighting further highlights the open book at night, emphasising the façade skin.

澳门新中央图书馆位于联合国教科文组织世界遗产澳门历史中心的塔石广场旁,原址为前爱都酒店 (Hotel Estoril)。 


图书馆的立面图案为书架的延伸,从内到外,幕墙设计像书本般向着塔石广场的主入口打开。这个设计是连接图书馆与广场的重要部分。光线通过幕墙的光与影成了有趣的效果。幕墙灯光在夜间也将突出这本“打开的书本” 。


Hong Kong Palace Museum


Client: West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

Architect: Rocco Design Architects

Project status: Opened in 2022

客户 : 西九文化管理局

建筑师 : 许李严建筑师事务有限公司

工程进度 : 2022年竣工

Located in the West Kowloon Cultural District, the Palace Museum focuses on the integration of traditional Chinese culture and modern architectural aesthetics. Arup partnered with renowned local architect Hsu Lee Yan Architects to create a world-class museum by combining technical expertise and design concepts.

Arup’s scope of work includes all public areas including exhibition halls, theatres, offices, studios, lobbies and other facilities, as well as exterior facade and overall landscape.

Arup provides comprehensive consulting services of lighting design, acoustic design, audio-visual design and theatre planning for the Palace Museum project.

故宫博物馆位于西九龙文化区,集中展示 中国传统文化与现代建筑美学的水乳交融。奥雅纳工程顾问与知名本土建筑师许李严建筑师事务有限公司合作, 结合专业技术及设计理念创建一个世界一流的博物馆。

奥雅纳为故宫博物馆项目提供照明设计、声学设计、视听设计及剧院规划顾问服务。奥雅纳照明设计的工作范围包括所有公共区域包括展厅、剧院、办事处、工作室、大堂和其他设 施,以及户外幕墙及整体景观。


M+, Hong Kong

香港西九文化區 M+

© VirgileSimonBertrand

Client: West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

Architect: Herzog & De Meuron, Terry Farrell & Partners Ltd

Project status: Opened in 2021

客户 : 西九文化管理局

建筑师 : Herzog & De Meuron, Terry Farrell & Partners Ltd

工程进度 : 2021年竣工

M+ is a cultural centre for the 20th and 21st century art, design, architecture and moving image in West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong.

Working with the renowned architecture practice Herzog & De Meuron, Arup applied our technical expertise to create a world- class museum.During the design process, our multi-disciplinary team collaborated closely to optimize the design to meet the aesthetic and functional requirements for each of the spaces.

Arup’s holistic specialist consultancy services for the M+ museum included lighting, acoustic, audiovisual an theatre planning consultancy. The lighting design scope covered interior lighting for all public areas such as the gallery, theatre, cinema, office, studios, lobby and other facilities, as well as the exterior lighting for the media facade and landscape.

西九文化博物馆M+ 位于西九龙文化区,集中展示 20 和 21世纪的艺术、设计、建筑、动态影像的文化中心。

奥雅纳与知名Herzog & De Meuro结合专业技术创建一个世界一流的博物馆。设计过程中,各个专业相互配合协调,将博物馆各功能区的各方面性能达到最优化。



Tai Kwun, Hong Kong


© Herzog and De Meuron -Iwan Baan

Client : Hong Kong Jockey Club

Architect: Herzog & de Mueron / Purcell Miller Triton / Rocco Design

Project status: Completed in 2018

客户 : 香港赛马会

建筑师 : Herzog & de Meuron/ Purcell Miller Triton /严迅奇建筑师事务所

工程进度 : 2018年竣工

The project is Hong Kong’s largest historic building revitalisation project, transforming the 170-year-old city gem into a new cultural landmark over a span of 10 years.

The project covers the conservation of 16 historic buildings on a site comprising three declared monuments (former Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison) and the addition of two iconic new buildings and a footbridge, merging the old Chinese and British designs with the new modern buildings in unique and subtle ways.

The lighting scope includes daylighting for the new building, and facade, landscape and interior lighting for all buildings. Our design creates a harmonious atmosphere, balancing minimizing impact to heritage buildings with requirements of the new functions. Design consideration also include artwork conservation and creating a visually comfortable and welcoming urban courtyard.


这项工程包括保育16幢历史建筑物,地点包括三个法定古迹 (前中环警署、前中央裁判法院和域多利监狱),以及增建两座标志性新建筑物和一座行人天桥。我们以独特而微妙的方式将新旧融合在一起。最具挑战性的部分是不同文化的融合: 中国原有的砖石材料,英国的建筑技术,以及现代文化建筑的添加。我们的灯光设计营造了和谐的氛围,使不同的文化特色巧妙地融合在一起,又不失各自的特色。



Grand Canal Museum Complex, Hangzhou


© Herzog & de Meuron

Client: Hangzhou Grand Canal Comprehensive Protection Development Construction Group Co., Ltd

Architect: Herzog & de Meuron

Project status: Design completed in 2022

客户 : 杭州市运河综合保护开发建设集团有限责任公司

建筑师 : Herzog & De Meuron

工程进度 : 2022年完成深化设计

The Grand Canal Museum complex is located along the Beijing- Hangzhou  Grand  Canal. The 180,000sqm  complex  consists  of 50,000sqm of exhibition space. A continuous vertical space connects the building’s three main functions: a conference center on the lower level, a museum in the middle, and a restaurant and hotel on top. The ground level space beneath the museum provides an open, sheltered public space for Hangzhou’s residents and visitors, while a sky garden creates a vibrant community gathering place at the upper level.

The facade of the museum is composed of large concave cast glass elements, “resembling the sparkle of rippling water and amplifying the natural beauty of the Grand Canal”, while the hotel is treated as a solid, and vertical “mountain” element. Coupled with the landscape design, the museum complex presents the Chinese ideal concept of  “water in front, mountains in back, surrounded by scenery”. These three elements co-exist in harmony, creating an amazing background “canvas” for both day and night experiences.

Arup provided a range of engineering & consultancy services from concept through design development. The lighting design scope includes daylighting consultancy for the museum gallery spaces,  facade lighting, landscape lighting, and interior lighting for public areas. The facade lighting is designed to enhance the two key architectural elements of “water” and “mountain”. The light is integrated with the facade glass tiles, and the interaction of glass and light produces a visual effect of movement and sparkle. The facade of the mountain is illuminated by grazing light on the structure to enhance its stepped form, balancing the overall composition of the museum.

大运河博物馆综合体位于京杭大运河旁。18万平方米的综合体建筑将包含5万平方米的展览空间。一个连续的垂直空间连接了建筑的三个主要功能: 低层的会议中心、中间的博物馆和顶部的餐厅和酒店。悬空博物馆下方的空间为杭州市民和众多游客提供额外的遮蔽的公共空间。加上屋顶的空中花园,形成一个充满活力的当代聚集地。

体现了“前有水,后有山”的中国古典理想,与城市和自然环境直接相关。博物馆立面采用大型凹铸造琉璃元素组成,类似 于“波澜起伏的水的闪光,放大了大运河的自然美景”,酒店为实体立面处理,形成“山”的元素;加上景观设计,博物馆综合体呈现了“前有水,后有山,周围环绕有景”。这三个元素和谐共存,为白天和夜间的体验营造了令人赞叹的背景“画布”。



OōEli (JNBY Headquarters), Hangzhou

天目里 (江南布衣总部),杭州

Client: Huizhan Technology

Architect: Renzo Piano Building Workshop, GOA

Project status: Completed in 2021

客户 : 慧展科技(杭州)有限公司

建筑师 : Renzo Piano Building Workshop, GOA

工程进度 : 2021年竣工

The urban complex OōEli in Hangzhou is composed of 17 buildings offering arts, retail, working and leisure space for the city of Hangzhou.

Our lighting design scope includes electrical lighting for facades, landscape and key interiors spaces, and daylighting consultancy for the museum and gallery spaces.

We designed the exterior lighting to reinforce the identity and experience of the development by night, providing an inviting and comfortable environment that services as the urban living room. The volumes of each building are accentuated by soffit uplights that create a floating effect and guide the visitors toward the central courtyard.

In the art gallery (ByArtMatters), we worked closely with RPBW to shape the daylight openings and sail- shape shadings to exclude sunlight, providing a uniformly illuminated gallery space both in the day and night-time, with accents from spotlights.

置在260米x 175米的场地周围,围合成了一个大型的城市绿地,人们可以在这里聚集和放松。





MIFA 1862 (Shanghai Shipyard 2E1-1)


©Zhongtian Lighting engineering Co Ltd

Client: CSSC Complex Property Co Ltd

Architect: Kengo Kuma & Associates

Project status: Completed in 2016

客户 : 中船置业有限公司

建筑师 : Kengo Kuma & Associates

工程进度 : 2016年竣工

Located by the Huangpu River, MIFA1862 is was restored from an old ship engine factory to an urban art and culture landmark.

After dark, the facade lighting for the north & east elevations appeal towards the riverside. The lighting concept creates a pattern reminiscent of river, reflecting the light in a range of golden colours at sunset. Accent lighting is used to emphasise historical facade elements such as the preserved chimney and water tank.

We designed the interior lighting using warm and cool colour temperatures to contrast between the old and new elements, and lower light levels to enhance the visual sensitivity of visitors in order to express the textures of the materials. This results in a dramatic, nostalgic impression that truly reflects the historical character of the architecture.




Awards & recognition:

  • 2017 China Illuminating Engineering Society (CIES): Interior Lighting Design 3rd prize


  • 2017年中照照明奖: 照明工程设计奖三等奖


Lujiazui Exhibition Center (Shanghai Shipyard 2E2-4)

(上海船厂2E2-4 地块)

Client: CSSC Complex Property Co Ltd

Architect: OMA

Project status: Completed in 2016

客户 : 中船置业有限公司

建筑师 : OMA

工程进度 : 2016年竣工

Located by the Huangpu River, the Shipyard 2E2-4 building serves as an exhibition centre for the Shipyard developments in Lujiazui. The building is lifted towards the riverfront, and its sloped form creates a unique landscape in the central plaza.

After dark, the facade lighting continues to reinforce its architectural form by illuminating the 3D-mesh that covers the building envelope. We worked closely with our facades team and created a custom detail that accomplished a consistent lighting effect along the sloped surfaces while working within the client’s budget. Interior lighting seen through the mesh / glass facade also enhances a sense of transparency, producing unique layers of light as well as transforming the building appearance from day to night.


入夜之后,建筑立面照明通过照亮覆盖在建筑围护结构上的 3d网格来加强其建筑形式,形成一层优雅的光的幕纱。 我们与幕墙团队密切合作,建立一个定制的细节,在客户预算的范围内,沿着倾斜的表面达成了一致的照明效果。 由于会场将用于多种场合,我们使用彩色可控的建筑外立面照明以便灵活改变建筑外观。


Awards & recognition:

  • 2017 IES Illumination Awards: Award of Merit
  • 2017 China Illuminating Engineering Society (CIES): Interior Lighting Design 3rd prize


  • 2017年北美照明工程协会IES照明奖: 优秀奖
  • 2017年中照照明奖: 照明工程设计奖三等奖


Shanghai Symphony Hall


Client: Arata Isozaki & Associates

Architect: Arata Isozaki & Associates

Project status: Completed in 2014

客户 : 矶崎新+胡倩工作室

建筑师 : 矶崎新+胡倩工作室

工程进度 : 2014年竣工

Arup’s Lighting team in Shanghai has been appointed to work on the architectural lighting design of Shanghai Symphony Hall. Designed by Japanese architects, Arata Isozaki & Associates, the project aims to be a world-class concert hall in China adopting the latest acoustic engineering with the arena-style stage design.

The project consists of 1200-seat main concert hall, 400-seat hall, entrance hall, and foyer spaces which interconnect the three halls in the 4-storey basement. Our lighting scope includes architectural lighting for all the public areas of interior and exterior, including the façade lighting.

To support the architects and their design goals, extensive lighting analysis were made for the main concert hall. The main hall adopts acoustic timber panels for ceiling and walls, which ‘float’ in front of the three- dimensionally curved outer skin. All the luminaires for the architectural lighting as well as stage lighting are integrated within the acoustic panels to avoid the visual clutter in space.

The buildings are already topping out of the ground under construction, and it is planned to hold an opening concert for the Chinese New Year in 2014.

奥雅纳上海照明团队被任命为上海交响音乐厅的建筑照明设计。该项目由日本建筑事务所Isozaki Arata & Associates设计,旨在成为中国世界级的音乐厅,采用最新的声学工程和竞技场风格的舞台设计。





Asian Civilisations Museum Expansion, Singapore


Client: Asian Civilisations Museum

Architect: Greenhilli Architects

Project status: Completed in 2018

客户 : 新加坡亚洲文明艺术馆

建筑师 : Greenhilli Architects

工程进度 : 2018年竣工

Using a holistic design approach, Arup Lighting have harnessed the use of daylighting in gallery spaces as a dramatic design element and a factor in conservation as well as in energy efficiency.

Lighting fixtures are concealed into architecture elements to ensure seamless integration. In the courtyard gallery, daylighting was a driving tool in the design process. During the day, light is filtered through the hyperboloid feature skylight to illuminate the gallery without any need for artificial lighting. At night, the lighting integrated within the feature skylight is turned on to provide an even, diffuse glow to ensure galleries are lit without glare.


Awards & recognition:

  • 2018 IES Illumination Awards: Award of Merit


  • 2018年北美照明工程协会IES照明奖: 优秀奖